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Plast-Market Sp. z o.o.

[Poland]Antiadhesive additive

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The antiadhesive additive is recommended for use by manufacturers of bottles and other injection molded products. The additive contains special superficially active lubricants that modify the surface qualities of the molded shapes, thereby reducing adhesion to the mould surface.

Using Polmast Release PM 30200+20SP results in reducing the force necessary to make a mold, makes molded shapes less sticky and prevents their deformation during pressing, which makes it easier to remove them from mould.

The benefits of application:
* Slower wearout of molds
* Reduction in number of defects
* Convenience of using the granulate form
* Shortening of the production cycle time/greater throughput

Contact with food:
PM 30200+20SP may be used in production of goods coming into contact with food.

POLMAST Release PM 30200+20SP is shipped in normalized and palletized 20kg sacks.
Per customer order, the package weight can be modified.

The product should be stored in a cool and dry place unexposed to solar rays.
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Additional information:

Model/Article number:POLMAST Release PM 30200+20SP
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Chemicals & Plastics ->Plastics - industrial raw materials


Plast-Market Sp. z o.o.

Street:Zorzy 1
City:Klaudyn, Poczta Izabelin
Postal code:05-080
Phone: +48 22 7528250
Fax: +48 22 7528251

Contact person

Name and Surname: Adam Kotowicz
Phone: +48 22 7228250
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