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Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: Brak danych
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 1985

Food & Beverages

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Firm Rank: star

The company TOVAGO was founded in 1985 as a food production company on the basis of many-generations family experience.

At the moment the basis of our activity is manufacturing of light crisp bread.

The Mission of the TOVAGO company is the delivery of highest-quality products on the basis of natural raw materials such as full grain rye, wheat, corn gruel without unnecessary preservatives and taste additives.

Our major recipients are retail chains on the Republic of Poland territory and abroad. This bread is also sold in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania and Estonia.

We are convinced that our previous achievements and future perspectives of our development fully meet the expectations of all of our recipients.

Address data

Street:Poznańska 83
Postal code:62-040
Region:Greater Poland
Phone: +48 061 8194783
Fax: +48 061 8194976


Contact person

Name and Surname: Patryk Wapniarski
Mobile: +48 608016644
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